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Have you packed yet

[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9530

Step Ⅴ Part 4

This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Read the instructions to the whole class.

Invite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has done. Make sure students understand what to do. Give students a few minutes to do the surveys in pairs. Get a pair of students to model the sample dialogue.

SA: Have you ever been to a concert?

SB: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.

SA: Did you enjoy it?

SB: Yes, they had a great air show.

Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.

Have students complete the work in pairs. Get a few students to share the results of their surveys.

A sample survey

Have you ever… You Li Ping

(student’s name) Wang Gang

(student’s name)

Been to a concert National Day Concert New Year Concert

Been to a Zoo Beijing zoo

Collected something Stamps Coins

Painted a picture A picture of horse

Played a musical instrument Violin Guitar Piano

Sung in front of other people

Taken a train

Visited a farm Xing sheng Farm Guangming Farm

Written a poem A Little Girl

Have some pairs say their dialogues.

Dialogue 1

S1: Have you ever played a musical instrument?

Li Ping: Yes. I have. I played the guitar last month.

S1: Did you enjoy it?

Li Ping: Yes, it made me happy and relaxed.

Dialogue 2

S2: Have you ever collected something?

Wang Gang: Yes, I have. I collected coins last year.

S2: Did you enjoy it?

Wang Gang: Yes, I learned some knowledge from it. It was very interesting and meaningful.


air—(old use)tune

Step Ⅵ Summary

In this class, we’re done a lot of practice reading and writing as well as speaking.

Step Ⅶ Homework

1. Read the article in Activity 3a again.

2. Complete the article in 3c.

3. Do the survey in Activity 4 if students haven’t finish it.

Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

Section B

The Fifth Period

Answers to Activity 3b:

Apple Ice Cream is a rock band.

They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs. They won "The Best New Group of the Year" award last year.

They haven’t made a music video yet, but they’ve had six concerts of their own. They haven’t been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

The Sixth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Fill in the blanks and make sentences using lock, clean out, feed, chat, hear

(2) Finish the table according to the conversation.

2. Ability Object

Train students’ writing ability.

3. Moral Object

Opportunity belongs to those who have made full preparation.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.

2. Finish the table.

Teaching Difficult Point

Make sentences using lock, clean out, feed, chat, hear.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Teaching by explanation

2. Speaking method

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

1. A projector

2. The blackboard

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step I Revision

Check homework. Ask a few students to read the article in 3a. Then Have a student read his or her own article.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.

Look at the words in the box. Get a student to read them. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the words. Then say, Please fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.

Get students to fill in the blanks on their own.

Check the answers. Ask five students each to read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers.

Show the answers on the screen by a projector.

1. Have you fed the dog and cleaned your room?

2. Don’t forget to lock the door if you are the last person to leave.

3. I need to clean out my cupboard. I never use the things in it anymore.

4. My friend from America called me yesterday. We chatted for hours.

5. Have you heard the new song from Mariah Carey? It’s very good.

Have students make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that

are meaningful. Walk around the classroom. Collect a few students’ answers with mistakes on the blackboard. Then help students correct the mistakes.

Sample answers

1. Don’t forget to lock the door after you go out.

2. You should clean out your bed your self.

3. I have already fed the dog.

4. We chatted for a long time when we met last time.

5. We listened carefully but could hear nothing.

Step Ⅲ Part 2

This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Go through the instructions for this activity with the whole class. Invite a pair of students to read the dialogue aloud. Correct any pronunciation errors to make

sure the two students are providing a good model for the rest of the class.

Sue: Have you done your chores? We are leaving in an hour.

Jerry: I’ve done some of them.

Sue: Have you packed your bag?

Jerry: It’s in the front hall.

Sue: Have you said goodbye to grandma?

Jerry: The telephone was busy.

Sue: And have you watered the plants yet?

Jerry: Oh, no. I haven’t. I’ll do it now.

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标签: packed   初三英语教案
