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Have you packed yet

[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9530

Sue: Have you cleaned your room?

Jerry: Do I need to?

Sue: Yes, you do.

Jerry: Okay.

Sue: What else? Oh yeah. Have you washed the dishes?

Jerry: it’s your job to wash the dishes.

Sue: No, it’s your turn.

Jerry: Okay. I’ll do it.

Sue: One more thing. Have you gotten the mail from the mail box?

Jerry: Look on the table.

Sue: Thanks.

Let students read the conversation in pairs again. Ask students to say the first thing that Jerry has done. (He has packed his bag)Then get students to make the list individually. While they are working. walk around the classroom providing help if needed.

Review the task. Get a few students to share their answers.


Things he has done

1. packed his bag

2. gotten the mail

Things he hasn’t done yet

1. said goodbye to Grandma

2. watered (he plants

3. cleaned his room

4. washed the dishes


1. The telephone was busy. =The line was busy.

2. gotten—(American English) It is the past participle of get. In British English, the form is got.

Step Ⅳ Just for Fun!

This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language. Ask two students to read the conversation aloud

A: Please water the plants.

b: I’ve already watered them.

Get all the students to read the conversation again. Then let students look at the picture. Ask, What is funny about this cartoon? Help students to explain. The boy gave the plants too much water.

Ask some pairs of students to present this conversation to the rest of the class.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

In this class, we’ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words and the target language presented in this unit. After class, please make sentences using the words in, Activity 1 in your exercise books. Then finish off the exercises on pages 58~60 of the workbook.

Step Ⅵ Blackboard Design

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

Self check

The Sixth Period

Sample answers to Activity 1:

1. Don’t forget to lock the door after you go out.

2. You should clean out your bed yourself.

3. I have already fed the dog.

4. We chatted for a long time when we met last time.

5. We listened carefully but could hear nothing.

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

The Seventh Period

Reading. Students find Chinese roots.

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key Vocabulary

root, ancestor, homeland, mainly, hardly, highlight, well clear, abroad, connect, in search of, turning point

Text: Students find Chinese roots

2. Ability Objects

Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text.

Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.

Learn the words and phrases from the context.

3. Moral Object

China is our homeland. Wherever we are. we never forget we are Chinese. We love China forever.

Ⅱ. Teaching key Points

Key vocabulary

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

Fast-reading to improve students’ reading ability.

Careful-reading to get the detailed information.

Pairwork and groupwork.

Ⅴ. Teaching Aid

A projector

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step I Key Vocabulary

This activity introduces the key vocabulary words.

Show the following vocabulary on the screen by a projector.

root n. 根;根部;根源

overseas adj. 外国的;海外的

ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗

homeland n. 祖国;家乡

search v. 搜寻;搜索

in search of 寻找;寻求

affair n. 事;事务;业务

Overseas Chinese Affairs Office 中国海外事务管理局

Netherlands n. 荷兰

Austria n. 奥地利

Germany n. 德国

Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚

mainly adv. 主要地;重要地

highlight v. 强调;使突出

buffalo n. 水牛;野牛

farmer n. 农民;农场主

field n. 田间;田地

move n. 被感动

deeply adv. 深刻地;强烈地

point n. 点;处;地点

turning point 转折点

culturally adv. 文化地;人文地

ancestrally adv. 祖先地

grave n. 墓穴;坟墓

historian n. 历史学家;史学家

strongly adv. 强有力地;强劲地

clear v. 消除;扫除

abroad adv. 在国外;海外

connect v. 连接,关联

local adj. 地方的;当地的

Read the words and have students repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.

Step Ⅱ Part 1

This activity allows students to activate their background knowledge before attempting the reading.

Look at the picture. Let students describe what is happening in the picture. Read the title aloud. Get students to predict what they think the article is about, based on the title.

Have students finish Task 1. But don’t look at the reading text. Instead, they suetheir background knowledge to try to answer the questions. As students work,

walk around, looking at their progress.

When most students complete the task, let students answer the questions with a partner.

Elicit answers from Students. Ask if other students have the same or different answers. Do not give the correct answers to the students at this point. Wait until students have finished the reading and let them revise their answers accordingly.

Step Ⅲ 2a

This activity encourages students to predict what they are about to read.

Go through the instructions with the students. Get them to complete the task in small groups. When they work, walk around the classroom and make sure students discuss in English their reasons for selecting each word. Ask students to report their answers. Vote on the most likely words.

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标签: packed   初三英语教案
