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Have you packed yet

[10-15 23:20:14]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9530

Answers will vary. But it is likely students will select culture, family, history, grandfather and tradition.

Step Ⅳ 2b

This activity builds on Activity 2a and asks students to confirm their predictions. Look at the instructions. Ask students to go through the reading to complete the task in small groups. Let students report their answers.


culture family Guangdong grandfather

Step Ⅴ Part 3

This activity encourages students to use the strategy of reading context. Look at the story. Find out the words indicated in bold. Let different students guess the meaning. Don’t give them the correct answers. Get students to read the article once. Say, Pay attention to the bold words and expressions. And note any other word or sentence you don’t understand. Read in context, guessing their meanings from the other words around them. Let students read the article again for comprehension. Ask a student to read the instructions aloud to the class. And let students look at the example. Then ask students to match the correct meanings with the correct words and expressions. Remind students to look at the story again for extra help. Give them one or two minutes to do the work.

Check the answers.


root e ancestor a hardly g highlight b well c turning point d abroad f

Get students to make sentences with the words and expressions. Answers to this activity will vary. Then ask a student to write his answers on the blackboard. Help correct any mistakes.

Sample answers

1. Pull up the plant by roots.

2. My ancestor’s hometown is in Shandong Province.

3. I can hardly believe that.

4. This is the highlight of the story.

5. There was only one well in our village in the past.

6. Work hard and there will be a turning point.

7. Do you want to travel abroad?

Step Ⅵ Part 4

This activity helps students read for specific information and paraphrase ideas.

Go through the instructions with the class. Elicit the first answer from the students from memory. Make sure that they understand what they need to do.

Let students do the activity individually or in pairs. Students should try to remember or guess the answers before looking at the reading. Check the answers. Let different students to give their answers. Ask students to give correct statements for the false statements.

Sample answers

T T T F (It started in 1980) T

Step Ⅶ Part 5

This activity helps students work in a group and think critically about what they have read.

Read the task aloud to the class. Get students to do the activity in small groups. Help students think of different activities that overseas Chinese might find interesting.

Check the answers. Let students share their answers with the class and agree on the best activities and reasons.

Optional activity

As an optional in-class or homework activity, ask students to write their own family trees and write about how life was different for their grandparents.

Culture note

Does everyone want to talk about his or her ancestors? Not really. Some people may have been adopted or may have divorced parents that they do not care to discuss. Some Australians are also sensitive about their ancestors for a different reason. In the early years of its settlement, many thousands of British citizens were transported to Australia for criminal offences. These offences were often mild for such a punishment, for example, a hungry child stealing a loaf of bread. Regardless, many Australians are descended from criminals and while some people laugh about it, others are not proud of the fact.

Step Ⅷ Summary

In this class, we’ve practised a lot of reading and writing.

Step Ⅸ. Homework

1. Read the story in Activity 2b again for further comprehension.

2. Revise the target language in this unit.

Step Ⅹ. Blackboard Design

Reading: Students find Chinese roots.

The Seventh Period

Sample answers to Activity 3:

1. Pull up the plant by roots.

2. My ancestor’s hometown is in Shandong Province.

3. I can hardly believe that.

4. This is the highlight of the story.

5. There was only one well in our village in the past.

6. Work hard and there will be a turning point.

7. Do you want to travel abroad?


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标签: packed   初三英语教案
