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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9749

4. You have never been to Beijing, have you? ( never表达否定含义,后面用肯定)

5. She has few friends, does she? (few表达否定含义,后面用肯定)

6. Tom had little work to do, did he? (little表达否定含义,后面用肯定)

7. You can hardly do the work, can you? (hardly表达否定含义,后面用肯定)

8. Let’s go home, shall we?

9. Don’t be late again/Let us go home, will you?(祈使句用will you;但Let’s开头的用shall we)

10. Thank you so much for asking/inviting /having me!非常感谢你邀请我

11. How much does that shirt cost=How much is the shirt?那件衬衣值多少钱?

12. He sure is.

13. This is great weather, isn’t it? It sure is. But it’s a little hot for me.

14. The line is slow, isn’t it?

15. Their prices are really low, aren’t they?

16. How big is your apartment?

17. Did you see the game on TV Friday night?

18. Sometimes it isn’t easy being the new kid at school.

19. The video you showed was really fun.

20. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along.

21. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.

22. Thanks for the tickets for next week’s game.I’m really happy to have the tickets.

23. I’ll think of you as we watch the Black Socks win the game.

24. The traffic is very busy at this time.

25. I’m going to look through the newspaper for a holiday job.

26. Be careful to look both ways before you cross the street.

27. If you have finished your homework, you could help with cleaning and cooking.


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