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[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9749

4. 许老师说欧洋正在做作业Mr. Xu said OuYang was doing his homework at that time.

5. 许老师说王硕研勤奋。Mr. Xu said Wang Shuoyan was hard-working.

6. 在英语上,与听相比,我更擅长于读。In English, I’m better at reading than listening.

7. 情况怎样? How’s it going?

8. 她不想再当我最好的朋友了。She didn’t want to be my best friend anymore.

9. I said it would start a bad habit , and that she would do her own work.

10. That’s about all the news I have now. Mum and Dad send their love.

11. She said helping others changed her life.

12. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not like fun to you.

13. The Peking University graduate first went there as an volunteer on a one-year program.

14. Life in the mountains was a new experience for Lang Lei. Her village was 2,000metere above the sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick.

15. Young people today need to experience different things

16. Some of the students may not be able to go to senior high school or collage.

17. I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.

18. She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives.

19. She now works as a math teacher at a high school in the city of Pingliang, Gansu Province.

20. You are at B’s house working on a homework project.

21. You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it, but A didn’t come to the bus stop.

22. A calls you with a message for C. Pass on the message, and then give C’s answer to A.

23. What are some things that happen on soap operas?




1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时等。

例如: Tom said to me,“ My brother is doing his homework.”

→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.

2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化;根据意义进行相应的变化。 如:

She asked Jack,“Where have you been?” →She asked Jack where he had been.

He said,“These books are mine.” →He said that those books were his.



“I want the blue one.” he told us. “我想要兰色的。” 他说。

→He told us that he wanted the blue one. 他说他想要兰色的。

She said to me, “You can’t do anything now.” 她对我说:“此刻你无法做任何事情。”

→She told me that I couldn’t do anything then.  她对我说那时我无法做任何事。

2. 疑问句的间接引语

直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接疑问句。间接疑问句为陈述语序,句末用句号,动词时态等的变化与间接陈述句相同。引述动词常用ask, wonder, want to know等间接疑问句一般有三种:

(1).一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时, 由whether或if 引导。 如:

“Has he ever worked in Shanghai?”Jim asked. “他在上海工作过吗?”吉姆问。

→Jim asked whether/if he had ever worked in Shanghai.吉姆问他是否在上海工作过。

“Can you tell me the way to the hospital?” The old man asked.


→The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital.


(2). 特殊疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,仍由原来的疑问词引导。 如:

“Which room do you live in?” He asked. “ 你住哪个房间?”他问我。

→He asked me which room I lived in. 他问我住哪个房间。

“What do you think of the film?” She asked. 她问“你怎么看这部电影?”

→She asked her friend what she thought of the film. 她问她朋友怎么看这部电影。

(3). 选择疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether/if …or引导。 如:

“Is it your bike or Tom’s? Mum asked. 妈妈问:“这是你的自行车还是汤姆的?”

→Mum asked whether/if it was my bike or Tom’s.妈妈问这是我的自行车还是汤姆的。

“Does your sister like blue dresses or green ones?” Kate asked.


→Kate asked whether/if my sister liked blue dresses or green ones.


3. 祈使句的间接引语当祈使句变为间接引语时,间接祈使句的引述动词常用tell,ask,order,beg,request,order等,而把直接祈使句变成带to的不定式短语。 如:

Jack said, “Please come to my house tomorrow, Mary.” 杰克说:“玛丽,明天请到我家来。”

→Jack asked Mary to go to his house the next day. 杰克请玛丽第二天到他家去。

The teacher said to the students, ”Stop talking.” 老师对学生们说:“不要讲话了。”

→The teacher told the students to stop talking. 老师让学生们不要说话了。

“Don’t touch anything.” He said.“不要碰任何东西。”他说。

→He told us not to touch anything. 他对我们说不要碰任何东西。

4. 动词时态和代词等的变动

(1). 某些代词,限定词,表示时间或地点的副词和个别动词在间接引语中的变化规则:

直接引语           间接引语

today              that day

now               then, at that moment

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